About us

The Signal and Cyber Museum Society (SCMS) formerly FGHMS is a 501(c)3 organization comprised of volunteers dedicated to preserving the history of Americans who served at Fort Eisenhower (formerly Fort Gordon), in the Signal Regiment, and in the Army’s Cyber Corps. Due to base growth and construction requirements, the Signal Corps Museum on post closed on 25 February 2021. 

What we do

Preserving this important history for the nation is essential to training present-day soldiers, educating the public, and preparing young Americans for service across our communities in the twenty-first century. We now need you to help us save these stories to inspire the next generation.


Currently securing funding for the purchase of new Signal and Cyber Museum building. Once building is secured, renovations will follow.

"The first glance at History convinces us that the actions of men proceed from their needs, their passions, their characters and talents; and impresses us with the belief that such needs, passions and interests are the sole spring of actions."

- Georg Hegel


Total Donors


Money Donated

Our current Project


Building a modern Signal and Cyber museum

We are striving to secure a new home for the history and artifacts of our Signal and Cyber Corps. We are currently gathering funding to purchase the building. Once the building is purchased we will commence renovating and establishing the exhibits and getting the doors open to the public.

$250,000.00  - Already donated
